For appointments with Dr. Vanessa Pettit, book online here.

For appointments with Caleb Lee, book online here.

For appointments with Dr. Carleigh Sturge, book online here.

Empowered program

Empowered is a 12 week somatic healing program. Work with Dr. Meaghan one on one for 12 weeks to regulate your nervous system, integrate trauma and shine your amazing vitality to the world.

Naturopathic Medicine

Naturopathic Medicine is “a distinct primary health care system that blends modern scientific knowledge with traditional and natural forms of medicine.” (Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors) Training for naturopathic doctors includes a degree in pre-medical sciences followed by four years of naturopathic medical training. There are seven accredited educational institutions in North ... Read More

Naturopathic Medicine is “a distinct primary health care system that blends modern scientific knowledge with traditional and natural forms of medicine.” (Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors)

Training for naturopathic doctors includes a degree in pre-medical sciences followed by four years of naturopathic medical training. There are seven accredited educational institutions in North America that provide naturopathic medical training. In order to obtain licensure in Canada or the US, ND’s must complete their education at one of these institutions along with standardized examinations.

Naturopathic doctors are trained in many natural modalities including: herbal medicine, nutrition, traditional Chinese medicine, physical medicine, homeopathy, orthomolecular therapy, and more. These methods are used to help each individual achieve a healthy state. The main goal is to support the body’s self healing mechanisms by first determining the underlying cause of illness and disease, rather than just treating symptoms.

Somatic Healing

Somatic healing sessions are designed to help ease stress, regulate your nervous system and integrate trauma. These sessions are gentle and follow the natural rhythms of your unique nervous system and body cues.

Born and raised on the gulf islands, I bring my love for nature and my passion for living well to my naturopathic practice. I am one of those nerds who truly practices what I preach.

As a young adult, I developed a passion for all things nutrition which sent my on my journey of becoming a naturopathic doctor. My educational trajectory included UBC for nutrition studies and then the Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine.

How do I practice? I love collaborating with people on their healthcare journey! To me that’s truly what it is – collaboration. I believe that given the right tools and cues most people are the best judge of what is happening with their body and their health. Many just need a little guidance, education and encouragement.

I very much enjoy using botanical medicine to help assist the body’s natural healing process. The natural brilliance of plants works so very synergistically with human physiology.

I also personally practice meditation and mindfulness and am passionate about sharing this with others. A mindfulness or meditation practice can be the lynchpin of a person’s path to health. Using this and other techniques (including botanicals), my main goal when working with people is to balance the nervous system which in turn allows for healing.

My process includes reviewing and analyzing laboratory results regularly to ensure we are on the right path, as well as working in concert with any other healthcare providers on your team.

Who do I work with? Humans who are interested in balancing their hormones, managing stress better, getting healthier and more vibrant, aging gracefully, feeling amazing and connecting with their true self.

Born and raised on the gulf islands, I bring my love for nature and my passion for living well to... Read More

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